All Posts Under Shoulder

How to Progress to a Pain-Free Overhead Press

If you’ve been dodging this move because of shoulder pain, it may be time to face your fears! The overhead press is a sticking point for many when it comes to shoulder pain, but it can also be part of the solution because a strong shoulder is a pain-free shoulder!…

The Foundation Needed for Shoulder Performance

The Crossover Symmetry Training Zone delivers education for: Baseball, volleyball, swimming, golf, football, softball, tennis, lifting heavy weights, rehabbing shoulder pain, and simply slinging kids around. Leading people to believe that each activity needs a different training program… Which is not the case! Each sport uses the same 5 shoulder…

“How’d You Hurt Your Shoulder?” (The Answer Means More Than You Think…)

I bet the first question your doctor asked was… “How did it happen?” The answer to this important question will help guide the recovery for your rotator cuff tear. Here are the 2 common answers: 1. You fell hard (or some other accident)… In younger individuals (under 40), traumatic rotator…

Important Considerations Before Rotator Cuff Surgery

There are times when shoulder surgery is the best option.   Rotator cuff tears resulting from a hard fall or accident are often good candidates for surgery.  If the accident was bad enough to have potentially dislocated or fracture the shoulder, we advise an urgent trip to have it evaluated…